Does your organization struggle with the WFH practice? If so, they might struggle with linking their S.M.A.R.T. Leading and Lagging Goals and Objectives among everyone throughout the organization. If the goals and objectives in a company are linked, an individual will have a clear line of sight for how what they do benefits the company. If they do not understand how their goals and objectives link to the company's goals and objectives then there is a problem that needs to be fixed.
When I worked at Ingersoll Rand Company as an Internal Engagement Leader, our group objective was to help the business units create $50 million in cost reduction and $50 million in asset reduction per year. That objective was divided among and across all the Engagement Leaders in our group. We were held accountable to achieve our individual objective along with the group objective - which created an environment that encouraged us to help one another. The objectives were also linked to each individual consultant in the group. The net effect was that we all knew what was expected of us and we had a sense of group accountability.
I can remember a meeting that we had with the corporate VP to which our organization reported, along with the Director of our internal consulting group. The topic of the meeting was the importance of our group's objectives for the year. The first point the VP made was that he was accountable to the CEO for the achievement of our objectives. Additionally, the VP told us that he did not care if we worked 7-days a week, 24-hours a day to achieve our objectives. Now, I have to admit that I was a bit concerned when he made that comment. Conversely, he said that he did not care if we worked 2-days a week for 4-hours each day to achieve our objectives. The amount of time we worked was irrelevant to him and he said that he could not care less about it. What was important to him - which he made very clear to us - was that we achieve our individual and group objectives, while not violating any of the established corporate values and beliefs - no matter what country we worked. I can tell you that everyone on our team had a sense of liberation and freedom that was very exhilarating. Additionally, we realized there would be consequences associated with the achievement of our objectives - both very positive and negative, if required. We clearly had a sense of accountability - and we liked it.
I've discussed the WFH practice with several executives and managers - some are all for it and some do not like it at all. I've noticed a correlation among those that do not like the WFH practice. Many of those that do not like it mention a lack of trust. I also noticed they did not seem to have linked goals and objectives among those that report to them - which is fixable.
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